Selected Projects

SDN-ML Packet Filter
A Packet Filter using Software Define Networking and Machine Learning. Programmed the main machine learning module using BERT.

A hoare logic verfier in C++ using Z3 solver. Given a hoare-triple it proves the correctness and provides counter-example if fails. Useful for tutorial purposes. Supports Int and boolean data-types. Supports arrays, loop invariants, conditions, quantifiers.

Haskell Simple Structured Query Language is a shell interpreter for a subset of SQL commands and clauses integrated with a local database for performing live queries. Supports Select, Create, Insert, Delete commands; From, Where, Order by clauses; Integer, Boolean, String Literals; Aliases in Select query.

A CLI based bit-torrent client in golang capable of downloading multiple torrent files from multiple peers concurrently. Supports resume capability on abrupt termination. Generation of detailed logs. Downloading from UDP based trackers.

RL Agent that learns to play Doom Deadly Corridor. The Agent is trained using a Double Deep Q-Learning with Duel Architecture and Prioritized Experience Replay.

This repository contains curated lists of articles /tutorials / blogs / research papers that I came across while exploring machine learning. Can be useful if someone is starting with ML or wants good resources.